The Lover is my signature

Love & relationship program.

It is designed for the Women & Womb bearers who want to fully drop into their Feminine energy and feel safe, held, seen and loved in that embodiment.


Whenever a Woman or Femme is around Men & Masculine energies that don't make them feel safe to be the Woman or Feminine they truly are, they embody their Masculine energy as a defense mechanism.

It's intuitive protection.

And it is a pattern you have experienced, and are tired of.

There is nothing wrong with you, you're just not around Masculine embodiments that allow you to safely embody your true self. It's not the who you are the issue, but where you are being your who at.

The version of yourself you allow to shine has been determined by survival and fear.

The Lover is here to guide you back to your core, to your Heart. it is a guide to release the defense mechanisms rooted in fear and pain, in violence, and guide you back to your softness.

The Feminine you embody calls to you the Masculine that matches.

The secret to stepping into your Divine Partnership lies within you.

Divine Union is both a Union between you & your true Self, and you and another, ready to Love you as Unconditionally as you're loving. yourself.

Love is not a relationship with someone, Love is a way of being.

You're not supposed to seek Love, simply embody it.

When you play games, hide your true self, resort to manipulative techniques, sile,nce yourself in order to be accepted, for a companion that cannot see your worth you operate from Fear, from your Hurt: you allow the people that have hurt you to be the ones directing your love life and decide who you deserve.

The Love you deserve should be your full conscious decision.

I am here to help you call in that Love that doesn't compromise any parts of you.

Every one has a Divine Partnership, awaiting them to step into that path.

But most people are, at their core, afraid to experience that Love.


Because it requires them to be seen, in their light and shadow. True Love is a deeply intimate connection.

And it is also a Leap of Faith.

true Love requires you to take into account all the wounds of the past, all. the data you've collected about specific behaviours and how people responded to them, the protective measures you developed as a result of this pain...

and say, fuck it, I'm still wanting to jump.

Your Divine Partnership needs your trust.

And what is trust if not a promise based on a hope that you will not get betrayed or hurt?

Why work on Love with me?

Because the deepest way to heal is through experience.

As human beings we learn through experience more than through information consumption.

As an Energy Worker and Seer, I craft Shamanic Journeys, energy healings and energetic practices for you to meet your depths, your shadows, actually see the energy of your fears and your Heart, meet your Counterpart and move through your healing.

You experience internal journeys as you heal; whether alone, with your Ancestors, Highest Self, Inner Child, Lowest Self, Source, or Divine Counterpart.

Whoever needs to come through at the time...

I design the journeys, and provide safety measures for your energy to safely experience it all. You move through it all on your own time, able to pause and take a break if you need more time with integration.

I teach you to meet the spirit of your Divine Partner and experience the healing journey with their Love & support.

What are Shamanic Journeys and guided energetic practices?

They are journey into your astral space and subconscious, through your astral self. These journeys are taken through entering a meditative state and allowing your energy to bring to your attention what you need to be aware of at the time, and wha you are ready for.

Each time you revisit a practice you'll have a different, deeper experience.

Moreover, the more you realign with Love, the deeper your consciousness and as such your perspective also deepens. You will become more proficient at seeing things from a different angles.

Truth is multidimensional.

You see a situation from a very specific lens; sometimes that lens is clouded by fear and resentment. As you heal and release your connection to that situation, your perspective widens, you are therefore able to see the Truth.

These energetic practices enable you to learn how to meet your own energy, and transform your pain into a greater capacity for Love.

Walk hand in hand into Union

My psychic gifts enable me to bridge a path between the human self and the astral, and through my years of practices I learned how to guide others on the bridge, so that anyone can experience psychic dreams, synchronicities, the feeling of a loving presence by your side...

One hill I'll die on is that the path into Divine Union needs not be a lonely one.

In fact, it's not meant to be a lonely path.

The healing journey of the Counterparts are reflected in one another: as the Feminine softens and opens to receive, they surrender to being held, led, provided for in new ways, in response, the deeper the Feminine opens the more the Masculine rises to lead and provide.

It starts with the Feminine, it's the Consciousness.
And so, in this container, I guide you through connection as much as your own inner transformation.

With The Lover,

I guarantee you a deeper understanding of Love, of the ways you have "loved", and a release of the fear you hold (but won't admit) about Love.

With The Lover, I guide into experiencing Love in a different, more embodied way. Through all your senses, you'll learn to allow Love to flow. As such, you'll allow yourself to be a different person, more open to Love, more trusting with life.

And you'll experience things that leave you breathless...

Energy Work

The Lover is an energetic program that teaches energetic practices.

I lead you on how to meet your truest and deepest Self, heal your blockages, the self-sabotage, connect to your Divine Partner, call them in and move into Divine Union. And I lead you safely.

All my students & clients have always felt safe in my energetic practices as I take their mental, emotional and energetic wellbeing into consideration.

Slow & Deep

The Lover is a 12 months long program.

You receive your weekly lesson, directly into your emails. You have materials to read, reflection to move through, astral journeys to go onto.

Healing is a journey, not a race.

The course will take you into depths you've never imagined. It will completely break you open and change your life, if you let it.

I am here

At the tips of your thumbs.

I am an email away.

You can let me know the very specific ways the lessons are integrating and I will lead you through the healing you need, give you guidance and further insight.

The Lover is an intimate, personal journey, to move through at your own pace.

What if you are in a relationship, married or already in connection with your Counterpart?


I'm happy for you 🖤

Are you feeling like the Love isn't what it could be? Do you struggle to let down your shield and receive all of your partner?

Do you feel that you're embodying your Masculine a lot, and desire to soften and drop into your Feminine?

The Lover is absolutely beneficial for already established couples, because it's about you. It's about you learning to Love, letting go of past resentment, past hurt an allowing yourself to be the Woman / Feminine you dream of being and are at your core.

It's a commitment to Love 🖤

The course is for those who want to do the work and truly self-reflect.

If you are ready to Love, the course will radically shift the way you view Love, yourself, shed light on your current understanding of Love, the ways you have approached Love and Life and how you have been closed off to the Love & Life you truly desire.

You receive a personalised reading of your Feminine energy, which will assist you in your embodiment, in reclaiming your true Self and unleashing your power,

and a Letter from your Counterpart reading.

Both of these readings will be completed when the time is right.

✨Enter your most expansive year as of yet ✨